We believe…
…that we experience architecture every time we view or enter a building. Some interior spaces feel comfortable and intimate. Others edgy and cold. Appropriate site-orientation and building placement creates a sense of arrival, maintaining order as one transitions from the natural to a created environment. Good architecture combines color, natural light, human scale, innovation and technology into a habitable structure which is the most public art form.
The building’s design must be sensitive to the user’s spatial needs and functional relationships. Interior and exterior environments and appropriate materials selection will provide for low maintenance, longevity, energy efficiency and aesthetic beauty. The architect is a unique craftsman with skill, talent and insight who creates designs which become those art forms.
Ecological limitations dictate that designers must make intelligent and sensitive choices relative to sun angle and shade, types of and placement of glazing, appropriate mechanical and electrical systems, construction assemblies and materials selections.
The best design addresses all program issues and cleverly solves them.